Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Post 20

This past weekend was draining, but a good draining. I was able to partner with the Admissions Dpt. and put together ENC's first Parent Day in the history of mankind (that I know anything of). It was an all-day event on Saturday which included a performance of the "Messiah" and I was able to attend Sat and Sun performances (I was too distracted to appreciate the performance on Saturday so I went to it again on Sunday and got to sit 2nd row from the front). But here's how the weekend went
Friday night: two friends played the WORST heart-wrenching prank on me that I've ever experienced BUT through the tears, it brought us closer together

Saturday: two friends made me and themselves breakfast (at 7:30 am-so much love!) and helped me set up for Parent Day. Parent Day officially started at 10am and ended at 10pm

Sunday: I skipped church and attended the 2nd performance of the Messiah. AND THEN.....I FOUND A MOUSE IN MY SPARE BEDROOM!   The RA's were having a Christmas Party which included a Yankee Swap so I went into my spare bedroom to find something nice to wrap my present in and here's this small criter looking slightly lost and running back in forth near the window in the room. So I frantically called an RA friend and he came over and killed it (on accident-but he feels more manly by just saying that he killed it). So now I have this terrible vision of me going to sleep and all theses mice flying out of holes in the wall and having a party like on some cartoon that I've seen. But as my RA friend said "as least you don't have rats." So now my spare bedroom door is shut with a towel shoved underneath it while I wait for the Pest Control guy to arrive. That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a busy weekend!!!! I'm so glad I got to see you not too long ago. I miss you my friend!
