Tuesday, September 17, 2013

To say that life has been busy is quite an understatement. From May until this past week, life has presented many surprises, both good and bad (all of which I will not mention here). One of my summer residents passed away suddenly so that was very hard for our community to cope with. In general, the healing process has begun, which is a good thing.

From May-August I was able to have an internship in a government capacity so that was very enriching and educational for me. I interned in the Community Development and Department of Planning office at City Hall in my town. I felt like I was taking a hands-on class and was able to learn about thing from SNAP benefits from both the political and non-profit organizational view point, to programs that help youth find alternatives to finding jobs outside of the traditional college path, to block grants and how organizations are funded, to many other things. A whole new world opened up for me and I was very much like a child with big eyes in a toy store.

As of now, I am still in classes and am in the beginning stages of starting my thesis for graduate school. My desire is to do a Case Study on the management practices of Teen Challenge, so we'll see what happens. I am praying for God's favor in this.

Ever since moving to the east coast, I have become a big believer in giving back to the community, all while being the hands and feet of Jesus. I was a part of the Big Brother, Big Sister program for the past year and a half but my little sister entered middle school and is all grown up, without the need for me that she did have. Sooooo....I started thinking and praying about what the Lord might lead me to and the homeless needs in the community kept popping into my brain. I decided that I would see if I could volunteer at a women's shelter but then out of the blew, my church announced that they too felt as though the Lord was prompting our church community to be of some kind of help to those who are homeless within our city. Coincidence, I don't think so! All that to say, I am happy to see what God is going to do with this particular area of need.

If you're ever bored and are dying to read other blogs, I did start a blog for the ladies that live in my dorm and my goal is to update it about once a week. Feel free to drop on by it! http://rdjbailey.wordpress.com/

Until next time!

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